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十余年最强飓风逼近 美佛州公路上恐慌一幕(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2016-10-06  每日邮报  [复制链接]  字体:

  Ray Hayyat hauls sandbags to his store to protect against floodwaters in Daytona Beach, Florida where hundreds of thousands of anxious people boarded up their homes and businesses and grabbed a few belongings to flee inland

  Danny Askins and Brenden Kavana (R) put up hurricane shutters as they prepare the Sandwiches Sea restaurant as Hurricane Matthew approaches the area on October 6, in Delray Beach, Florida

  Zeno Louizes spray paints markings on his three stores along the Boardwalk and Pier Thursday, in Daytona Beach, Florida

  Homeowner Don Appell prepares to board up one of the windows at his home ahead of Hurricane Matthew in Cherry Grove, South Carolina, October 6,

  The entire East Coast, up to Virginia, is braced for the approaching hurricane (pictured, a bulldozer creates a sand barrier in Virginia Beach, Virginia)

  A person walks along the windswept Miami Beach in Florida today prior to the arrival of Hurricane Matthew this evening

  A lone loaf of bread sits on an empty shelf at a Wal-Mart supermarket in Kissimmee, Florida, after residents rushed to stock up on the essentials ahead of the storm today

  People purchase supplies to protect their homes at a local Home Depot in Kissimmee, Florida, in preparation for the landfall of Hurricane Matthew, on October 6

  South Florida residents prepare for Hurricane Matthew by purchasing plywood at Home Depot on October 6, in Miami

  Completely empty: This supermarket in Florida has been stripped completely clean by residents either fleeing or bedding down and waiting for the storm to hit

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下一篇:恶少追杀纪欣然全程被录像 辩方铁证面前哑口

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