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华裔男子在超市挥拳打伤美军上尉 被控仇恨罪(图)

www.sinonet.org 2013-04-17    [复制链接]  字体:


  A crazed man attacked a U.S. Army officer at a Wal-Mart store in Albany, New York, after verbally harassing the solider for his military service, video surveillance footage shows.

  Albany police released the footage after charging 47-year-old Yiqiang Wu of Schenectady with assault as a hate crime for Thursday's fight at a checkout line.

  The Army captain told police that a man behind him in line began to yell derogatory comments at him about the United States and his service to the nation.

  Random attacker: Yiqiang Wu, 47, was arrested for assaulting a member of the U.S. Armed Forces inside of a Wal-Mart store on Thursday


  Unexpected outburst: The unnamed Army captain told police that Wu began to yell derogatory comments at him about the United States and his service to the nation


  Physical attack: Police said Wu then struck the captain several times in the face

  ‘It started with the middle finger and the officer asked if it was for him or something of that nature and it escalated from there,’ Officer Steve Smith, of the Albany Police Department, told News10.com.

  Police said Wu then struck the captain several times in the face.

  ‘It looks like he displayed a great deal of restraint which is consistent with the armed forces, law enforcement and public service,’ Smith said. ‘We are held at a higher standard and you have to commend him for being able to have that restraint.’

  The Army captain was treated for his injuries at the scene.


  Caught on camera: Surveillance video footage shows Wu striking the captain in the face


  Repeatedly struck: The Army captain was treated for his injuries at the scene

  The video shows the officer, dressed in camouflage fatigues, confronting the man before being attacked.

  Wu is free on bail.

  It couldn't be determined if he had a lawyer.

  Hate crime: Albany police released the footage after Wu with assault as a hate crime for Thursday's fight at a checkout line

加拿大华人网 http://www.sinonet.org/

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