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www.sinonet.org 2011-09-30  网络  [复制链接]  字体:



  08/03/2011 A 6 Train derailed in Harlem near the 125th Street station at 4:14 a.m. About 100 passengers were evacuated safely and there were no injuries.

  07/11/2011A Metro North train derailment in midtown Manhattan last month was both uncomfortable and potentially dangerous for passengers. The six car train on the Hudson Line was carrying hundreds of passengers during the evening rush hour on Monday, July 11, 2011.

  05/17/2011 At around 6:00 a.m, a work train came off the B tracks at Dekalb Avenue Station, putting the entire line out of commission and creating delays along several other lines.

  02/13/2009 Just after 1:00pm, a Coney Island bound "D" train derailed at the 81st Street/Museum of Natural History station on the IND 8th Avenue Line. An MTA official says that "approximately two cars were derailed" (WCBS-TV). Passengers were loaded onto another train that pulled up behind the derailed one. The rescue train took them to the West 125th Street/St. Nicholas Avenue station. The A and D trains were put into local service between 125th Street and 59th Street stations while C train was suspended along the entire length of its run. It is believed that 500 people were on board the IND train. According to a report from WABC-TV's website, a broken rail was reported at the station, but it is not known if that countributed to the accident. (Thanks to David Harris for the report.)

  05/04/2008 A Brooklyn bound "N" train derailed at the 57th Street/7th Avenue station on the BMT Broadway Subway. Passengers were evacuated from the derailed train with a rescue train. The passengers came to the surface at the 5th Avenue station. There were no serious injuries as a result of this accident. N service was suspended in both directions between Queensboro Plaza and Times Square, Bay Ridge bound R trains were re-routed via the "F" line between 36th Street (Queens) and Herald Square. A shuttle train was put into service between Queensboro Plaza and Ditmars Blvd. NYC Transit says the train's operator and motorman will receive blood alcohol testing. (Thanks to David Harris for the writeup.)

  11/06/2007 Bumper block overshoot at Chambers Street, 11/6/2007. As the R42 fleet is being prepared for scrapping, the four pairs of R42 cars were sent to the 207th St. yard scrap line instead of being repaired, even those with only relatively minor damage. Cars involved: 4624-4625, 4730-4731, 4786-4787, 4818-4819.

  04/29/2007 At 4:06PM on April 29th, 2007 two NYCTA track workers were struck by a Queens bound G train at the Hoyt-Schermerhorn Street station. One of them was killed by the train while the other was sent to Bellevue Hospital for treatment. His injuries were serious in nature. Service on the G train was suspended until 7:42PM that evening. Five days earlier (April 24th) at 11:20PM, a track worker was killed on the 7th Avenue IRT near the Columbus Circle station. He was struck by a 3 train while setting up flagging lanterns. With the exception of completing the work that was already in progress at the time of the incidents, track work was suspended. Work resumed on May 4th at 8:00AM. During the suspension, MoW workers were retrained on safety procedures.

  10/25/2000 Out of service train rear-ends another stationary out of service train on middle track of Jerome Ave (#4) line at Fordham Road. Lead car of rear train (#1370) head end damaged; second car of rear train (#1369) is completely wrecked, due to jackknife at center of car. No passenger injuries.

  06/21/2000 B train derails at DeKalb Ave. Brooklyn, around 10:00 pm. Approximately 70 people injured. First three cars of southbound train jumped the tracks south of DeKalb requiring approx. 70 feet of track to be replaced. Service was restored by 6:00 am the next morning.

  04/12/2000 A #5 train derails near 59th St. at end of rush hour. Thousands of riders are stranded in the disabled train for hours while a second train is sent to pick them up.

  02/03/1998 Accident on 239th Street Yard lead- collision between two trains. Cars involved 1391-1400; 8832-8833, 8912-8913, 8980-8981, 9152-9153, 9154-9155. No passenger injuries.

  11/20/1997 A Jamaica-bound R train rear-ends a G train in a tunnel near the Steinway Street station in Long Island City, Queens. There were no serious injuries were reported among the approximately 40 victims, who mainly suffered minor head and neck injuries. All of the injured were treated and released. The cars, which were estimated traveling at about 10 miles per hour at the time of the collision, suffered only limited damage.
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上一篇:尼泊尔村民因食用豹肉惹官司 不知会产生法律问题
下一篇:美国一载有204名乘客火车与货车相撞 39人受伤

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