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美旅游网站选出50佳美食 北京烤鸭名列第5(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2011-07-22  中新网  [复制链接]  字体:

  14. Yeh, you'll get fat, but you'll have a great time doing so.

  20. Arepas, Venezuela

  A corn-dough patty that provides a savory canvas onto which you can paint any number of delicious toppings: cheese, shredded chicken, crisped pork skin, perico, beef, tomato, avocado … it’s the most beautiful thing to come out of Venezuela since all those Miss Universe winners.

  12. Good food day and night, shepherd's delight?

  19. Nam tok moo, Thailand

  Grilled pork combined with lemon juice, green onions, chili, mint sprigs, fish sauce and toasted rice. Legend has it the blood from the meat along with the dressing inspired some happy carnivore to name this brilliant dish “waterfall (nam tok moo) meat.”

  11. Don't judge an awesome food by its dour appearance.

  18. Kebab, Iran

  For keeping starvation at bay for the entire student population of the United Kingdom, the doner kebab should clearly be honored. But they are hardly the delicious prototype worthy of representing a region.

  For that, summon the shish kebab. Pick your meat, shove a stick through it, grill. Then wonder why you don’t eat like this every day.

  9. Who put that stinking fruit in there?

  17. Lobster, global

  Forget all your fancy, contrived lobster dishes deployed by showoff chefs eager for Michelin endorsement. When you have something as naturally delicious as these little fellas, keep it simple. The best way to enjoy lobster is simply to boil it and serve with a side of melted butter and slice of lemon.

  6. The best cows come minced and in a bun.

  16. Egg tart, Hong Kong

  Like many classic dishes, the Hong Kong egg tart marries two contrasting textures: crusty, flaky pastry and jiggly, trembling custard. It’s sweet, it’s delicious and it’s best eaten hot from the oven on the street while queuing up to get just one more.

  15. Kalua pig, United States

  Only commercially available in Hawaii, the kalua preparation turns a meal into an epic event, with a whole pig roasted in an underground sand pit for six or seven hours.

  But it’s not just for show. Smashed banana tree trunks, sea salt and shredded (never sliced) meat means this smoky, aromatic piece of pig will linger long on your tongue and even longer in your memory.

  14. Donuts, United States

  These all-American fried wheels of dough need no introduction, but we will say one thing: the delicious guilt of snacking on these addictive calorie bombs makes them taste even better. If that’s possible.

  13. Corn on the cob, global

  God probably created corn just to have an excuse to invent melted butter. There’s something about biting down on a cob of corn -- it’s a delicate enough operation to require concentration but primal enough to make you feel like the caveman you always wanted to be. Great food is caveman food.

  12. Shepherd’s pie, Britain

  Some might say England’s greatest inventions were the steam engine and the Jaguar E-Type. We like to think shepherd’s pie -- minced lamb topped with mashed potato -- comes somewhere in that list.

  Tastes best at the end of a gloomy, rainy day with an open fire licking at the chimney breast and Ricky Gervais insulting people on the telly. Which is lucky, as that’s what most days are like in England.

  11. Rendang, Indonesia

  Beef is slowly simmered with coconut milk and a mixture of lemongrass, galangal, garlic, turmeric, ginger and chilies, then left to stew for a few hours to create this dish of tender, flavorful bovine goodness.

  Tasting it fresh out of the kitchen will send your stomach into overdrive, but many people think it gets even better when left overnight.加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:来看看日本人的真实生活水平 压力真不是一般大

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