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www.sinoca.com 2011-05-02  中新网  [复制链接]  字体:

Alive: Eppes family pictured on holiday at Disney World

Path of destruction: The route that one tornado took through Tuscaloosa, Alabama, can be seen in the wreckage it left behind

Trail of destruction: An aerial view of Oak Grove, Alabama, shows how one tornado tore through two homes and clipped two more further down the street

Wasteground: A sheriff's deputy drives along a street in Phil Campbell, Alabama, that was once lined with houses

Obliterated: Another view of Oak Grove, Alabama, shows rubble strewn across a wide area

Nightmare: The tornadoes that have devastated the South of the U.S. are in the top five worst storms to hit the country

Life goes on: A man walks his dog through the tornado ravaged Fan Road neighborhood of Pleasant Grove, Alabama

Crushing: A car is crushed by an uprooted tree in Tuscalosa, Alabama, where residents are reeling from the worst US tornadoes in nearly 80 years

Nothing left: A man looks through the remains of a home in Pleasant Grove, Alabama

Destruction: A portrait of Cookie and Kenneth Vincent is seen in the remains of their home in the tornado ravaged Fan Road neighborhood of Pleasant Grove, Alabama

Deer me: The stuffed head of a deer lies in the road in the tornado-ravaged neighbourhood of Pratt City in Birmingham, Alabama, left, and crewmen repair electrical cables in nearby Tuscalosa, right

Looting: Reports have emerged of people picking through the wreckage and stealing valuable belongings

Corridor of destruction: The debris strewn hallway shows some of the severe damage at Hackleburg High School in Hackleburg

Humour: Sierra Dawson, 13, speaks with her friend Preston Broyles, 13, after spending the day clearing out Dawson's destroyed home in Trenton, Georgia, left, while one homeowner sees the funny side, right

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下一篇:嫂子眼中的本-拉登 残忍的宗教狂徒 不是花花公子

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