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www.sinoca.com 2011-03-20  每日邮报  [复制链接]  字体:


Japan earthquake: 30 pictures of boats and ships swept ashore by the tsunami

A fishing boat, the Myojinmaru number 3, lies on a road in the city of Kesennuma after being pushed by the tsunami

A ship tossed up onto city streets by the tsunami is pictured in Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefectur

A ferry and other vessels are grounded at an intersection in Kesennum

A ship sit on a car after being moved by the tsunami in the city of Kesennuma

A fishing boat lies on a road after being swept away by the tsunami in the city of Kesennuma in Miyagi prefectura

A fishing boat sits inland in Kesennum

A ship is stranded on the harbour wall in Sendai

A boat washed ashore by the tsunami crushes a home near Sendai in Miyagi prefectur

A ship rests near houses after being washed ashore near Sendai in Miyagi prefecture

A cyclist looks at a fishing boat washed away by the tsunami on a road near the port in Sendai

A man walks past a car wedged into a boat in Ishinomaki

A boat lies in a street after being washed inland by the tsunami in Ishonomaki, Miyagi prefecture

A boat washed ashore by the tsunami rests on a bridge in Ishonomaki, Miyagi prefecture

People walk on a bridge on which a boat lies washed inshore by the tsunami in Ishonomaki, Miyagi prefecture

A pleasure boat rests on top of a building amid a sea of debris in Otsuchi town in Iwate prefecture, following the March 11 tsunami

Rescue workers search through the rubble in Ofunato, under a boat which has come to rest on the roof of a building

Japanese Self Defence Force members gather near a washed up boat among the rubble of the devastated city of Ofunato

A vessel sits on the rubble of destroyed houses in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture

A fishing boat that was swept ashore by the tsunami is pictured on a street in Ofunato

Members of a US search and rescue team walk past an upside-down ship washed ashore by the tsunami in Ofunato

A car passes a fishing boat sitting in the middle of a street near the port in Hachinohe, Aomori prefecture

A person walks past an overturned squid-fishing boat tossed onto land by a tsunami in Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture, in northern Japan

A cyclist rides in front of a ship that was swept onto land at the harbour of Hachinohe

A boat sits among debris in Wakuya, Miyagi Prefecture

A ship tossed ashore by the tsunami is seen in Aomori Prefecture

A boat lies in the road two kilometres from the coastline in the town of Natori

A ship is stranded at a port in Kamaishi

A passenger ferry rests stranded among the remnants of devastated houses next to the port in Miyako

A fishing boat is seen in Oarai, Ibaraki prefecture, after being swept inland by the tsunami

Japanese Self-Defence Forces officers search for victims around a ship swept away by a tsunami in Higashimatsushima City, Miyagi Prefecture

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上一篇:卡扎菲漂亮女儿走上街头 与支持者喊口号(组图)
下一篇:实在撑不住了 日本灾民在水沟里捡冷冻食物吃(图)

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