欧盟专员:日本核能事故已失控 面临一场巨大灾难 |
www.sinoca.com 2011-03-16 综合新闻 [复制链接] 字体:大 中 小 |
法新社报道,欧盟能源事务专员厄廷格(Guenther Oettinger)16日表示,日本核电站的局势“已经失控”,可能出现的更大灾难可能导致更多人死去。
EU’s Oettinger Channeling Media Reports on Japan Rattles Market
March 16, 2011, 1:43 PM EDT
By Jonathan Stearns
March 16 (Bloomberg) -- Investors on edge over the prospect of a Japanese nuclear meltdown took their cue from a European Union commissioner who proclaimed a “major disaster” may be on its way, before admitting his remarks were partly based on media reports.
U.S. stocks tumbled after EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger testified to a European Parliament committee today in Brussels that the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant risks provoking a “major disaster” in Japan.
“The site is effectively out of control,” Oettinger told the panel. “In the coming hours, there could be further catastrophic events.”
The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index sank 1.6 percent after his remarks.
Oettinger also said a further deterioration in the situation could lead to the deaths of people in Japan. “We are somewhere between a disaster and a major disaster,” he said.
His overall assessment is based on information from the European Commission in Brussels, the Tokyo-based EU mission to Japan and the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, as well as media reports, Oettinger told Bloomberg after his appearance in the parliament. “All these experts who read with better glasses than mine,” Oettinger said.
Oettinger’s spokeswoman, Marlene Holzner, told reporters in a briefing earlier today in Brussels that the commission’s information about the situation in Japan “is partly from the media, partly from the government.”
--Editors: Jones Hayden, James Hertling
To contact the reporter on this story: Jonathan Stearns in Brussels at jstearns2@bloomberg.net
To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Hertling at jhertling@bloomberg.net加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/
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