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揭秘:乔布斯生命最后的日子 他选择和谁度过?(图)

www.sinonet.org 2011-10-11  沪江英语  [复制链接]  字体:


  Over the last few months, a steady stream of visitors to Palo Alto, Calif., called an old friend’s home number and asked if he was well enough to entertain visitors, perhaps for the last time。


  In February, Steven P. Jobs had learned that, after years of fighting cancer, his time was becoming shorter. He quietly told a few acquaintances, and they, in turn, whispered to others. And so a pilgrimage began. The calls trickled in at first. Just a few, then dozens, and in recent weeks, a nearly endless stream of people who wanted a few moments to say goodbye, according to people close to Mr. Jobs. Most were intercepted by his wife, Laurene. She would apologetically explain that he was too tired to receive many visitors. In his final weeks, he became so weak that it was hard for him to walk up the stairs of his own home anymore, she confided to one caller。


  Some asked if they might try again tomorrow. Sorry, she replied. He had only so much energy for farewells. The man who valued his privacy almost as much as his ability to leave his mark on the world had decided whom he most needed to see before he left。


  Mr. Jobs spent his final weeks ― as he had spent most of his life ― in tight control of his choices. He invited a close friend, the physician Dean Ornish, a preventive health advocate, to join him for sushi at one of his favorite restaurants, Jin Sho in Palo Alto. He said goodbye to longtime colleagues including the venture capitalist John Doerr, the Apple board member Bill Campbell and the Disney chief executive Robert A. Iger. He offered Apple’s executives advice on unveiling the iPhone 4S, which occurred on Tuesday. He spoke to his biographer, Walter Isaacson. He started a new drug regime, and told some friends that there was reason for hope。

  在生命的最后几周,就像他毕生一直所坚持的那样,乔布斯做出了自己的选择。他邀请亲密朋友,内科医师和健康预防倡导者迪安・奥尼什,在他最爱的一家餐馆一起吃寿司;他跟多年的老同事告别,他们包括:风险资本家约翰・杜尔、苹果董事会成员比尔・坎贝尔、迪士尼董事长罗伯特・伊格尔;他为即将发布的iPhone 4S向苹果高管们给出了建议(iPhone 4S于周二发布);他和自己的传记作家沃尔特・艾萨克森谈了谈;他接受了新的药物注射;他告诉一些朋友,生活总是会有希望的。

  But, mostly, he spent time with his wife and children “Steve made choices,” Dr. Ornish said. “I once asked him if he was glad that he had kids, and he said, ‘It’s 10,000 times better than anything I’ve ever done.’ ”


  “But for Steve, it was all about living life on his own terms and not wasting a moment with things he didn’t think were important. He was aware that his time on earth was limited. He wanted control of what he did with the choices that were left。”


  In his final months, Mr. Jobs’s home was surrounded by security guards. His driveway’s gate was flanked by two black S.U.V.’s. On Thursday, as online eulogies multiplied and the walls of Apple stores in Taiwan, New York, Shanghai and Frankfurt were papered with hand-drawn cards, the S.U.V.’s were removed and the sidewalk at his home became a garland of bouquets, candles and a pile of apples, each with one bite carefully removed。


  “Everyone always wanted a piece of Steve,” said one acquaintance who, in Mr. Jobs’s final weeks, was rebuffed when he sought an opportunity to say goodbye. “He created all these layers to protect himself from the fan boys and other peoples’ expectations and the distractions that have destroyed so many other companies。


  “But once you’re gone, you belong to the world。”

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