俄罗斯轰炸的“人道救援车队”真身到底是谁? |
www.sinoca.com 2015-11-27 凤凰军事 [复制链接] 字体:大 中 小 |
IHH,原名“Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief ”,意思是“人道主义救援基金会”,于1995年在土耳其伊斯坦布尔成立,刚刚成立的时候打出的口号是声援在波斯尼亚的穆斯林兄弟。在波黑战争结束之后,IHH开始把他们的影响扩大到世界上一切有穆斯林参与冲突的地区,其中包括支持一些极端的伊斯兰组织和圣战。在中东,IHH是世界公认的恐怖组织哈马斯的重要支持者,并且IHH毫不掩饰这种支持,并且为这种关系而自豪。其领导人与哈马斯领导人合影照像,并且设法向哈马斯提供大量金钱援助。并且鼓动巴勒斯坦人支持哈马斯并且反对在西岸的由阿巴斯领导的巴勒斯坦普世价值政权。
IHH救援车队,就是恐怖后勤。几年前以色列也拦截过土耳其的恐怖组织后勤支援船队。土耳其的IHH“人道主义救援基金会”不仅支持哈巴斯等恐怖组织,同时也是新疆“东突”的重要支持者。他们公开发表声明支持血腥的 7·5事件中维吾尔人的做法,支持热比亚,在他们的网站上,写着这样的话“IHH要把手伸向那些遭到忽视,但还在为生存而奋斗的地区,阿拉干,泰南,东突,克什米尔,那些人道主义危机的地方。”IHH 的主席Bülent Yldrm 在2009/7/9 日发表了谴责中国“对手无寸铁平民的大屠杀”,号召“土耳其和所有穆斯林国家抵制中国产品”的讲话。IHH 还将东突比作“被遗忘的巴勒斯坦”,邀请热比亚和达赖访问土耳其参加他们的“自由东突大会”
“The IHH extends a hand to the people who strive to survive in the neglected regions of Arakan, Pattani, East Turkistan and Kashmir, which are hit by humanitarian crises,”
East Turkistan ,我想大家都明白代表什么。2010年三月,IHH 邀请热比亚访问土耳其参加他们支持东突的大会,同时邀请还有达赖喇嘛。热比亚和东突的高级领导人也公开表达过对IHH的感谢和支持。
以下是IHH官网的内容:Turkish symposium calls Uighur region “forgotten Palestine”
Tuesday, 23rd March , 2010 , 05:49 [am] A major international symposium, that gathered in Istanbul over the weekend to discuss the recent situation inside Uighur region, called China to open East Turkestan to the world and stop all human rights abuses.
The “Free Eastern Turkistan Symposium” was organized by the Istanbul Peace Platform, and the IHH was one of the event’s organizers.
East Turkestan: Turkey/'s IHH invites Uighurs/' Rebiya Kadeer, xxxx For March Event
Turkey/'s IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation will invite Rebiya Kadeer and the xxxxx to "International Human Rights Symposium" in Istanbul on March 21, 2010
Below is an article published by World Bulletin:
Turkey is preparing an important international human rights organization in March, a Turkish newspaper said
Rebiya Kadeer, leader of the world Uyghur Congress in exile, and xxxx , spiritual leader of Tibet were invited to "International Human Rights Symposium" to be organized in Istanbul on March 21 by IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, Yenisafak said
Kadeer said she would come to Turkey for the program
Uighur demonstrators took the streets in Urumqi on July 5 to protest against Han Chineses/' attacks on Uighurs workers at a factory in south China in June which left two Uighurs dead Hans in Urumqi sought bloody revenge two days later
World Uighur Congress said that near 800 Uigurs were killed during a week-violence after Han Chineses attacks and following intervention of China forces The China governmnet put the death toll 197
After the reports, Turkey staged protests against China violence in Uighur region and a Minister and a Turkish consumer organization called for boycott of Chinese goods
107 Turkish lawmaker resigned from Turkish-Chinese interparliamantary group to protest China over the incidents
President Abdullah Gul became the first Turkish president to visit East Turkistan and China in 15 years in June, signing $15 billion worth of trade deals, according to Turkish media . 加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/
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