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www.sinonet.org 2014-09-24  新浪  [复制链接]  字体:



  bullet. 15 minutes ago

  Yeah, America, keep buying all the Walmartjunk from Communist China so they can convert our dollars into weaponry thatthey will use on us someday. That is precisely what Japan did in the 1930'swith the scrap iron we sent there. One positive thing came out of Japan bombingPearl harbor though. It awoke the Sleeping giant as Yamomoto predicted andstarted us on the road to mass producing our weapons before Herr Hitler couldget his weapons of mass destruction on line.


  Flash 1 hour ago

  America's leaders sold out America and theyhave caused all of this havoc some of in direct ways and some of it in indirectways but never the less, what we are seeing now is by the

  doings of our leaders being in bed with world bankers and mega corporations.


  Post 7 hours ago

  Oil, right? The same reason that the US hasa close relationship with Saudi Arabia, which, by the way, beheaded 19 peoplein public this year.


  ronald 1 hour ago

  No surprise here, the two countries aredoing business and have common interest in developing the "new silkroad". True the U.S. 5th. Fleet is home ported in Bahrain where theso-called Sunni Royal Family brutally suppresses the #$%$ majority. Even to thepoint where the Saudi's sent troops into Bahrain in May 2011 to help theBahrain Forces put down #$%$ demonstrations for equal power sharing ingovernment affairs. Once again America showed it true colors when people stoodup for real democracy and allowed the violent crushing of the #$%$ protesters.


  Anthony Popovich 2 hours ago

  I've noticed that we are not threateningChina even though China is supplying Iran with its' nuclear technology. Sameapplies to Russia. I guess we'd look totally foolish if we were to threatenRussia and/or China, now wouldn't we?


  Shahid 29 minutes ago

  Closing up of China and Iran in economicand defense fields is good omen for the region. SCO type of block already beingbricked by China is a good sign and it will help counterbalance the singlesuperpower order presently prevailing in the world, which is not conducive forhealth of International politics and community. Moreover, trade inter se theneighbors on regional basis will be beneficial for the people of this regionand the poor countries of this region would have the opportunity to developtheir social and economical infrastructures.


  P.G. 4 hours ago

  Maybe they are making a weapons gradeplutonium delivery?


  ??? 2 minutes ago

  USA could do business with Iran too butthey prefer to do what israel tells them.


  Armin90 2 minutes ago

  US needs to respect Iranian rights innuclear technology because we are independent country and we want to act asone! Then iran and America can work on other problems together! Mutual respectthe only choice!

  If you don't respect our rights, I don't see a good future for world!

  I wish peace for all nations



  Yamaduta 9 seconds ago

  They have as much right to dock there asanyone else, if the Local government has no problem then it is none of the US'sbusiness what they do.


  John 2 hours ago

  The world is shifting. It will beinteresting to see what happens in the next few decades.

  We may be waking up some morning with China/ Russia alliance making all therules.


  Chuck 7 hours ago

  This is Iran's way of showing itsirritation with the presence of the US 5th Fleet. Invite rival superpowers toland and refuel in Bandar Abbas. Chinese sailors won't find it to be much of aliberty port, though.


  Bill 2 hours ago

  This is a case of two countries using eachother to try and make the US feel like they have military ties. Iran hasideologies completely different than China. One is a Muslim based country andthe other is an atheist based country. They both have one thing in common. Theyboth despise the military strength of the US and its allies. They want to lookmore powerful to the world. When it comes right down to it neither countrytrusts the other.


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