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美士兵阿富汗遇路边炸弹身亡 两妻一女友携子现身

www.sinonet.org 2012-05-09  dailymail  [复制链接]  字体:


  The two wives of a fallen soldier sat in the front row at his today funeral after it came to light following his death that he was married to both of them at the same time.

  But the relationship between the two women has turned ugly after the soldier's first wife received the folded flag for Army Specialist Moises J Gonzalez - and the second accused her of coming forward just 'for the benefits'.

  The 29-year-old soldier was killed in a road accident in Afghanistan on April 25. He leaves three sons - one by each of his wives and a third by another woman.

  Secrets: Both wives of Sgt Gonzalez sat front row at his funeral in California. His first wife Darlene (with blonde hair on the right) and second wife Ruth (far left). The woman in blue (center) is believed to be the mother of his third son

  It's complicated: Fallen soldier Moises Gonzalez leaves behind two wives and three sons in California after he was killed in Afghanistan last month

  He married Darlene Garcia in 2003 in Los Angeles and the couple had a son. In 2010, he married Ruth Bayona of Bakersfield, California, in Las Vegas with whom he also went on to have a son, Moises Jr.

  Ms Bayona said that her Gonzalez had told her about his first marriage, but claimed that they had gotten a divorce.

  Today, Ms Bayona, who said she wasn't even notified by the Army about her husband's death, angrily said Ms Garcia should not have received the folded flag honouring Gonzalez.

  She told KGET-TV: 'This woman hasn't been in his life for years and the only reason she's coming out right now is because of the benefits.'

  'I was with him during thick and thin for three years and he's not here to say anything to explain himself. I should get the flag, not her.'

  The identity of the mother of his third son was unknown as was when the couple had the child.

加拿大华人网 http://www.sinonet.org/

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