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中国要处决英国毒贩 看英国媒体网站网友怎么说

www.sinoca.com 2009-12-23  网络  [复制链接]  字体:


  John Whitney wrote:
  "This is the kind of news that makes anyone depressed."
  Wrong - you don't speak for me and I suspect millions more. I'm extremely happy that this drugs smuggler is getting the death penalty. Britain should do the same, with no room for appeals. We are far too forgiving a society for these scum criminals. They are laughing at us.
  Well done, China.

  andy villages wrote:
  ok so this guy, who has "mental problems" and is "delusional", managed to travel ALONE to far away countries, book flights and hotels, drive a private mini cab, but still got "tricked" into carrying drugs without checking the bag? LOL who is he trying to fool? the chinese are not stupid

  Dirk Bruere wrote:
  Either legalize drugs, or have draconian penalties like China and Singapore. The ineffectual middle ground occupied by the likes of Britain just breeds organized crime on a huge scale.

  Kenneth Wheatley wrote:
  Well done China. It's a shame the U.K. doesn't have the same courage to deal with people like that.

  Patti Cake wrote:
  We should adopt the same penalty for drug-smuggling as China and then maybe the streets (and roads) of Britain would be a safer place to live. The grounds of 'diminished mental responsibility' is too often used as a cop-out to save vile criminals from their just deserts. I support the Chinese on this one.
  Kevin Sullivan wrote:
  Why is there always an uproar in the UK press when one of its citizens it caught smuggling drugs abroad? Drug smugglers are scum, they peddle death, and, misery without a care for the victims! Were we to apply the Chinese, and, many other far eastern countries version of justice, we could possibly see a reduction in a problem that poses severe problems for the west. Then again, we may not, but the problem would not get any worse, and, drug smugglers would know exactly where they stand! So are the Chinese being uncivilised in passing the death sentence? No, I do not think so, they are showing responsibility for the well being of their citizens, something, western governments are unable, or unwilling to do!

  Sarah Jenners wrote:
  One might assume that many of us in the UK generally consider to accept that persons outwith the UK are allowed to come in and behave in the country as they wish irrespective of our values, laws or beliefs. As a result, it seems in situations such as this occuring in foreign jurisdictions that we are unwilling to accept a nations' autonomy to enforce their laws and beliefs, irrespective of the origin of the perpetrator. Whilst I do not know enough about this case to ascertain an informed opinion as to its merits, I would be more proud of our country if we were to more frequently have the courage of our convictions without concern as to whom we offend, politically or otherwise, please excuse the pun.
  Will Cox wrote:
  It'sapity the British govt don't show the same level of care to the young man facing extradition to the US. He has mental problems...but the US is a different matter..

  leigh cannon wrote:
  The idea that he did not understand the consequences of his actions seems a little far-fetched. Afterall, he managed to book the trip and travel alone round the world, let alone being able to marry and father children. I think it is purile to argue he did not know that what he was doing was illegal. The mental illness claim is no more than an excuse. The usual I'm-not-responsible-for-my-actions crap that more genuinely translates to I-didn't-think-I'd-get-caught.
  We really ought to stop this ego-centric, Western mindset, whereby WE are the only ones who know what is right.
  我们真的应该停止以自我为中心了,也就是"只有我知道什么是正确的"这种西方心态加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/


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