两队第三场比赛今天在迈阿密进行,猛龙队作客热火队。尽管主队移师佛罗里达,多伦多的球迷们仍然会聚集市中心广场(Jurassic Park)观看大屏幕直播,并为主队助威。周六赛事的开场时间为下午5时,Sport Net将转播比赛。
Carrie Leung, left, and Rinald Bagsic rock matching Raptors hoodies at Jurassic Park.
The Raptors' DeMar DeRozan is well-known for his big game scowl. Here, Aiden Charles, left, Walisa Sudhiu, right, and Tesliea Zafis, centre, do their best to channel the All-Star's style.
From left, David Hyatali, Sheldon Soogrim and Toshua Satha arrived draped in a 'We the north' flag. Also, note Hyatali's Jurassic Park (the movie) sweater.
From left, Amelia Ross, Kristen Murray and Shelby Cowall each wore a different Raptors jersey for Game 2.
Michael Attfield and Bohram Mohammad sport some shades for the party in Jurassic Park.
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