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温哥华岛发生里氏6.7级地震 据报不会产生海啸

www.sinoca.com 2011-09-09  新华网  [复制链接]  字体:



  美国地质调查局报告,温哥华岛发生地震,初步震级为 6.7级。美国地质调查局纪录地震发生在当地时间下午12:41分。震中为地下80公里。太平洋海啸警报中心发布的信息公告称不会有海啸产生。

  A strong earthquake struck off Vancouver Island in British Columbia on early Friday afternoon, seismologists said, with tremors felt as far away as the capital of Vancouver and the U.S. state of Washington.

  The 6.4-magnitude earthquake at 12.41 p.m. local time (1941 GMT) was centered about 119 kilometers (73 miles) west-northwest of Ucluelet, a district municipality in British Columbia on the west coast of Vancouver Island. It struck about 25.9 kilometers (16.1 miles deep), making it a shallow earthquake, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

  The USGS estimated that some 2,000 people living near the epicenter may have felt strong shaking, while around 248,000 people were estimated to have felt light to moderate shaking. Tremors were felt as far away as Campbell River, Port Hardy and Vancouver, as well as Neah Bay and Seattle in the U.S. state of Washington.

  Police in both Seattle and Vancouver said there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties as a result of the earthquake, which was initially measured as 6.7 magnitude, and the USGS said there was a low likelihood of casualties and damage.

  As earthquakes below magnitude 7 do usually not generate tsunamis, no tsunami warning was issued by the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center. “Based on the earthquake magnitude, location and historic tsunami records, a damaging tsunami is not expected along the California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska coasts,” the center said in a bulletin. “Some of these areas may experience non-damaging sea level changes.”

  Vancouver Island’s Seismic Past

  Vancouver Island is located along the Cascadia megathrust fault, named for its massive but infrequent earthquakes. The fault line runs along the length of North America’s western coast from northern Vancouver Island to northern California and is the boundary between two of the Earth’s tectonic plates.

  In November 2004, a strong 6.6-magnitude earthquake struck off Vancouver Island, generating a small tsunami but causing no damage or casualties.

  A 7.3 magnitude earthquake that struck Vancouver Island on Sunday, June 23, 1946. The main shock epicenter occurred in the Forbidden Plateau area northwest of Courtenay. While most of the large earthquakes in the Vancouver area occur at tectonic plate boundaries, the 1946 Vancouver Island earthquake was a crustal event.Shaking was felt from Portland, Oregon to Prince Rupert, British Columbia. The earthquake is remembered as one of the most damaging earthquakes in the history of British Columbia. However, damage was restricted because there were no heavily populated areas near the epicenter, where the violent shaking occurred.

  This earthquake is Canada’s largest historic onshore earthquake. However, the greatest earthquake in Canadian history recorded by seismometers was the 1949 Queen Charlotte earthquake, an interplate earthquake that occurred on the ocean bottom just off the rugged coast of Graham Island, which reached magnitude 8.1 on the moment magnitude scale.

   A 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck near Vancouver Island, British Columbia, on Friday afternoon, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

  The center of the earthquake was approximately 175 miles west of the city of Vancouver and nearly 50 miles underground.

  Many people on Vancouver Island felt the quake, especially those in high-rises, which swayed back and forth, said John Cassidy of the Geological Survey in Victoria, British Columbia. He described the quake as originating 30 miles offshore.

  The shaking lasted 10 to 20 seconds, Cassidy said, and there were no reports of damage or injuries Friday afternoon.

  Earthquakes of such magnitude happen every decade or so, he said.

  There was no immediate danger of a tsunami as a result of the earthquake, authorities at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

  CNN's Deanna Proeller and Michael Martinez contributed to this report.

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