办公英语:祝贺信 Congratulation Letter |
时间:2009-02-19 来源:中国英语网 |
1. Dear Mr. / Ms, On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of your National Day, please accept our heartiest congratulations. May the trade connections between our countries continue to develop with each passing day! Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 值此国庆三十五周年之际,请接受我们最真诚的祝贺。愿我们两国之间的贸易联系持续发展。 你诚挚的 Back to Top 2. Dear Mr. Minister Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to Minister of Trade. I am delighted that many years service you have given to your country should have been recognized and appreciated. We wish you success in your new post and look forward to closer cooperation with you in the development of trade between our two countries. Sincerely 尊敬的部长先生, 请允许我向您升任贸易部长表示祝贺。多年来你对国家的贡献被认可,欣赏,我非常高兴。我们祝愿您在新的职位取得成功,期待我们两国在贸易发展上进一步合作。 诚挚的 Back to Top (回信) Dear Mr. / Ms, Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment. I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to better cooperation in the future. Sincerely 尊敬的先生/小姐, 感谢你来信对我的任命表达的祝贺。我也感谢您对我的工作给予的支持,并期望未来能有更好的合作。
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