E/D=expire date EDF=estimated date of flight E.E.C=European Economic Community EEE,ERR=error EELCE=L/C EL,E/L=export licence EMGNCY=emergency ENC,ENCL=enclosure ENQURY,ENQRY=enquiry E.&O.E=errors and omissions excepted ERLY=early EQL=equal EQUI=equivalent ESTABG=establishing ETA=estimated time of arrival ETD=estimated time of departure EXAM=examine EXCH,EXCHG=exchange EXPLN=explain EXP=export,expire EXT=extend,extension FACTRY=factory FAQ=fair average quality FAV=favour FAVRBL=favourable F/B=full board(for hotel BIZ) FCL=full container load FDA=Food and Drug Adiministration(U.S.A.) F/E/C=foreign exchange certificate f.i.=for instance, free in FIG(S)=figure(s) FIO,F.I.O.=free in,out and stowed F.I.O.S.T=free in,out,stowed and trimmed FLT=flight FLW=follow FLWG,FOLG=following FEB=February FLWS=follows FM=from FNL=final F.O.=free out FOA=FOB airport FOC=free of charge FOR=free on rail FOT=free on truck FPA=free of particular average F.R.E.C=Fire Risk Extension Clause FRI=Friday FRT=freight FRZ=frozen FWD,FORWD=forward FYI=for your information FYG=for your guidance FYR=for your reference