活动时间:2010年5月26日 19:00 - 21:00
联 系 人:Sophie
相关地址:1200 Eglinton Ave East, Suite 502, North York
M-Bridge: 致力于提高华人移民英语交流技能,建立华人和西人文化交流的公益组织。系列活动涵盖英语,经济,政治,生活等方方面面,英语演讲者来自各个领域。
www.m-bridge.org info@m-bridge.org 416-900-0112
www.m-bridge.org info@m-bridge.org 416-900-0112
Wednesday, May 26, 2010 North York
Topic: Will and Power of Attorney
Speaker: Taras Kulish -- Lawyer
Will and Power of Attorney, sounds they are pretty big words or professional terminology for us, aren't they? How much knowledge do we have about them? How important are they in our life? Do you have question, confusion and concern about them? We are honored to have Taras Kulish, a Lawyer, come to lead a workshop and discussion about the Will and Power of Attorney. Please bring you questions and come to join us for the great opportunity.
Taras Kulish graduated from University of McGill law school. His practice focuses on servicing the needs of small and medium-sized businesses, in Ontario and Quebec. Taras specializes in intellectual property with 15 years experience. Taras is fluent in both English and French, and serves as a director of the Canadian branch of HOPE Worldwide, an international charity recognized by the United Nations.
Time: Wednesday, May 26, 7:00-9:00PM
Location: Kennedy College, Unit 502, 1200 Eglinton Avenue East, North York, ON M3C 1H9 (N.E. corner of Don Mills Rd. & Eglinton Ave. East of Supper Store)
Maplink: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1200+Eglinton+Avenue+East,+North+York,+ON+M3C+1H9,+Canada&sll=43.721721,-79.335189&sspn=0.01084,0.019226&ie=UTF8&ll=43.721614,-79.33455&spn=0.02168,0.038452&z=15
P.S. The easiest way to access the building is from the westbound of Eglinton Ave E., east of Don Mills. FREE PARKING AFTER 6:00PM. If you have any difficulty of finding the location, please call 416-358-9824.
Please kindly be advised that we will charge $2.50 for each session, or $10.00 for four sessions to be attended at your convenience. This fee is purely to cover the cost for tokens of appreciation to our guest speakers. If you have any difficulty regarding this payment, feel free to talk to one of our coordinators. We will be more than willing to waive it for you.
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