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Easter Fun in Edmonton

www.sinoca.com 2010-03-31    跟贴   [复制链接]

Easter Fun in Edmonton

Celebrate the arrival of spring this Easter long weekend with events for the whole family at various City Attractions.

Fort Edmonton Park - Sweet Treat Hide and Seek
Saturday, April 3
Noon 5pm

Grab your Easter basket and head on down to Fort Edmonton Park to celebrate Easter at our 16th annual Sweet Treat Hide and Seek! You’ll have a chance to go on a hunt and search for eggs that you can trade in for some sweet treats.

Visit the Blatchford Field Air Hangar to construct a special Easter craft, play some hippity-hoppity games and enjoy roving entertainment. Please bring your own bag and/or basket to collect your eggs during the egg hunt.

You can register for the Sweet Treat Hide and Seek three ways: online at ereg.edmonton.ca (course #346147), in person at any City-owned recreation centre, or by calling 311 (or 780-442-5311 if calling from outside the city). Family $22.50 / General $7.75 (13+) / Child (2 - 12 years old) $3.75 / Under 2 are free. Pre-registration for this event is required.

Easter Brunch at the Hotel Selkirk
Sunday, April 4
11am and 1:30pm

An annual tradition, Johnson’s Café at the Hotel Selkirk once again hosts its popular Easter Brunch. In the 1920s, the Café was the place to see and be seen for brunch. Today, this outstanding replica located in Fort Edmonton Park offers the same yester-year atmosphere complemented by superb quality.

Tickets are $30 for adults, $25 for seniors, $15 for youth and kids under six eat for free. Two seatings are available (11am and 1:30pm). For more information and to purchase tickets, visit hotelselkirk.com or call 780-496-7227.

NEW - It’s Popping up Puppets at the Muttart Conservatory
Monday, April 5
1 4pm

Spend a fun-filled family afternoon at Muttart Conservatory - just the thing to brighten up your holiday Monday after a long winter. We are celebrating spring with puppet shows such as Jack and the Beanstalk, plus a creative puppet workshop for kids to make their own puppets to take home. There will also be face painting and a petting zoo.

Don’t forget to check out the Feature Pyramid where the Tapestry of Colour display is awash with Tulips, Daffodils and Muscari.

Regular admission applies.

Hop to It! Easter Monday at the Edmonton Valley Zoo
Monday, April 5
11am 4pm

Spring is here and it is full of excitement and new life! You’ll have the opportunity to visit the different Easter babies, including chicks and bunnies in the indoor petting zoo. Watch some of the animals receive their very own Easter egg treats - will the animals eat the eggs, play with them, or smash them?

Drop by the craft station to create an Easter basket, butterfly wings, or butterfly antennae and then enjoy a variety of games and activities for young and old. A special butterfly parade will take the little ones on a magical “flight” around the zoo and everyone will enjoy learning amazing secrets about eggs with the hands-on science experiments.

For something completely different, check out the must-see spectacle: Flea-ster Circus. There will also be live music, face painting, Easter treats, animal encounters, and much more. It’s the perfect way to celebrate spring on Easter Monday!

Regular winter admission rates apply.加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/


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