1. This is so freaky. "freaky " "形容sth很怪,很蹊跷"
eg: Oscar and his wife looke alike, isn' t that freaky? 奥斯卡跟他妻子这么像,挺奇怪. A: A strange woman wearing a hat and sunglasses was staring at me at the restaurant. 在餐馆有个戴帽子和太阳镜的陌生女人盯着我看. B: That' s freaky. 可太奇怪了.
2. You want to know what Dad is like. "what is sb or sth like ""sb/ sth是什么样子的"
eg: I' ve never met your girlfriend. What' s she like. 我从来没见过你的GF,她什么样? You' ve been to Chicago, right? What' s it like?你去过芝加哥对吧,那儿什么样?
3. I' m dying to know Mom. "be dying to sth/ do sth ""太想/渴望……"
eg: Stacy loves Brad Pitt. She' s dying to see his new movie. Stacy超喜欢Brad Pitt.她特别想去看他的新电影. I' m so cold. I' m dying for a hot bath. 我太冷了,要是能泡个热水澡该多好啊!