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经典:英语口语8000句(78) 请求同意

时间:2009-02-18  来源:binvor  


Is it all right if...? *常用来表示比较有礼貌地请求对方允许。
Is it all right if I open the window? (我可以开窗吗?)
Absolutely. (当然。)*也可以用Is it all right to...? 来代替Is it all right if...?意思相同。
Is it all right to smoke here? (我可以在这儿抽烟吗?)
No, this is a nonsmoking room. (不行,这儿是禁烟室。)
May I come in?
May I come in? (我可以进来吗?)
Please, do. (请进。)
Is it alright to come in?
May I enter?
May I sit here?
Is this seat taken?
Is someone sitting here?
Is this seat free?
May I play catch here?
May I play catch here? (我可以在这儿玩球吗?)
Of course you may. (当然,玩吧。)
Do you mind if I smoke?
Do you mind if I smoke? (我可以抽烟吗?)
No, I don't mind. (行,没关系。)*回答Do you mind...? 的提问时,想说“不行”时用Yes,“行”时用No。
Am I allowed to take pictures here? *allow表示“原谅”、“同意”、“承认”。
Am I allowed to take pictures here? (这儿可以拍照吗?)
Yes, I think so. (我想可以。)
Is taking pictures allowed here?
Are you permitted to take pictures here?
Do they permit taking pictures here?
Is it okay to take photographs here?
Let me see it.
This is my favorite picture. (这是我最喜欢的照片。)
Let me see it. (让我看看。)
Let me take a look.
Please show it to me.
May I use your phone?
May I use your phone? (我可以借用您的电话吗?)
Only if it's not long distance. (只要不是长途电话就行。)
May I use the bathroom?
May I use the rest room?
May I use the washroom?
Can I park my car there?
Can I park my car there? (我可以把车停在那儿吗?)
Yes, you can. (可以,停那儿吧。)
Is parking there okay?
Is it all right to park my car there?
Am I permitted to park my car there?
May I take a look?
May I have a look?
May I see it?
You mean any place?
Do you mean any place?
Anywhere's okay?
Any place?


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