地震牵动着亿万中国人的心。我们祈祷失踪和被埋的人能够平安无事。今天我们就来学一个“逃离危险,平安无事”的表达:to save one’s skin。 To save one's skin的意思从字面看是“救了某人的皮”,实际的意思是“安全地逃出了危险的境地,没有受到伤害。”我们来看一个例子:一个人的儿子发生了车祸,这位爸爸说: My son was in a bad auto accident last week. The other car went through a red light and smashed into him. It wrecked his car, but he was wearing his seat belt and that saved his skin -- he walked away without a scratch. 我儿子上星期发生了严重的车祸。那辆车闯红灯,然后撞上了我儿子的车,把他的车给撞坏了,但是因为他系着安全带,所以一点儿都没有受伤。 下面我们要举的一个例子虽然没有生命危险,但是对于一个学生来说也是很重要的事。我们看看这位学生是怎么说的: I was in real trouble last night: I had to type up a term paper to turn in to my English teacher this morning and my typewriter broke down. But the girl next door loaned me her typewriter; she really saved my skin. 昨晚我可真是碰到了大问题。今天早上我必须把一篇论文交给英语老师,昨晚得用打字机打完的。结果我的打字机坏了。幸好我隔壁的那个女孩把她的打字机借了给我,这可真是救了我的命。 当然,这里所谓的“救了我的命”只是为了加强语气而已,实际上也就是帮了我一个大忙,解救了一个危机。