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Are the Confucian Teachings Still Relevant?孔孟思想还有用吗?

时间:2009-01-09  来源:英文锁定  


Are the Confucian Teachings Still Relevant?

In this age when information technology is developing at breakneck speed, the economy is going global and research in life sciences has also taken off, do the thoughts of Confucius and Mencius still have a place in society?

The answer is yes. In terms of value, the core teachings of the two great minds are neither bounded by time nor space.

It is impossible to go into all the key thoughts of Confucius and Mencius here.

I shall just touch on Confucius' simplest explanation of his concept of“仁” or "ren"-(this has been translated as benevolence, love, kindness and humanity, etc) and Mencius' notion that "Man's nature is good at birth".

It was said that Fan Chi, a student of Confucius, once asked the master what "ren" meant. Confucius' reply: "It means to love other people."

Mencius, on the other hand, argued that "Man's nature is good at birth" because compassion is common to mankind. Everyone is capable of conduct in line with "ren", those who are not would cease to be members of humankind.

Now, let us ask ourselves a simple question: "Could the benefit of such thoughts possibly be limited by time and space?"

Confucius advocated the importance to love other people. Is it not apparent that this idea is valuable and useful in helping people to live a life filled with happiness and warmth?

Could this idea be relevant and useful only in ancient times and have lost its relevance and value in the 21st century?

Could it be applicable only to people in the East and not people in the West?

The answer to both questions is of course "No". And we can draw some useful conclusions from here.

Since it is true that love is necessary for happiness and warmth in life, this makes the need for people to love and care for one another an idea that is valuable and practical.

Since it is true that love is necessary for happiness and warmth in life, not only in ancient times, but also in today's society, this makes the need for people to love and care for one another an idea that transcends time.

Since it is true that love is necessary for happiness and warmth in life, not only for people in the East, but also in the West, this makes the need for people to love and care for one another an idea that has no boundaries.

Mencius encouraged the expression of compassion, humanity and human dignity to make for a truly "human" society.

Again, we need only to ask ourselves a simple question: "Are values such as compassion, humanity and human dignity not valuable and beneficial?"

And by the same token, these values are as much relevant in the past as they are today. They also apply to both people in the East and in the West. In short, they are timeless and beyond the constraint of space.

By and large, core teachings of the two venerable sages have stood the test of time, and they will probably always have a role in human society.

We have indeed progressed into a new era, but so long as we are still keen in our pursuit to lead a truly "human" life and live in a truly "human" society, the thoughts of Confucius and Mencius will always be relevant and useful.

















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