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8. 分机、占线

时间:2009-02-19  来源:本站原创  

134.How may I direct you call?
135.Could I have extension 239,please?
136.I'm sorry the number's engaged.
137.The line is free now.I'll put you through.
138.Whom am I speaking to,please?
139.Do you mind if I use your phone?
140.I wonder if I could make a long distance call?
141.I'd like the extension 4130,please.
142.The number is busy now.
143.Well,it's ringing,go ahead,please.
144.And it took me quite a long time getting to you.
145.I've been busy on the phone.
Dialogue A
(A:Operator B:Mary C:Jim)
A:Hello.Dodge Automobiles.How may I driect you call?
B:Could I have extension 239,please?
A:I'm sorry the number's engaged.Would you care to wait,please?
(A few minutes later.)
A:The line is free now.I'll put you through.
C:Hello.This is Jim.Whom am I speaking to,please?
B:It's Mary.
B:Where were you last night,Jim?I waited for you for almost anhour.
C:Oh!I'm sorry.I completely forgot.
B:You forgot!What did you do last night?
C:I stayed in…I was studying.
B:No,you weren't.I saw you at a quarter past seven and youwere with another girl.
C:I'm sorry,Mary.I'll explain everything.It won't happen a-gain.
B:It certainly won't.I'm never going to see you again(Maryhangs up the receiver).
Dialogue B
(A:Susan B:John C:Operator D:Mike)
A:Do you mind if I use your phone?
B:No,not at all.Go ahead.It's over there in the corner.
A:I wonder if I could make a long distance call?
B:Of course.
A:Hello.I'd like the extension 4130,please.
C:Sorry.the number is busy now.Will you please hold the line?
A:No,I'll try agian later.
(A few minutes later)
A:Hello,operator.Extension 4130.Would you put me through a-gain,please?
C:OK,the line is free.Just a moment.(Pause)Well,it's ringing,go ahead,please.
A:Hello,Mike?It's Susan speaking.The line was very busy,andit took me quite a long time getting to you.
D:Yes.I'm sorry.I've been busy on the phone.How are you,dear?
A:Not very well.Something awful happened.We went to the Por-tobello Road and someone stole my handbag.
D:Oh,dear,did you lose a lot of money?
A:No,only a few pounds,but my passport was in the bag.That'swhat I'm really worried about.
D:You must tell your embassy about it and I think they'll issueyou with a new one.
A:I'd better go tomorrow.
D:They might not be open on Saturday,so you ought to ringthem to check first.
A:Yes,I'll do it tomorrow.
D:And Susan…
D:Don't be too upset…it's not the end of the world.
A:OK.I'm getting better,thank you,dear.Good-bye.
Words and Expressions
automobile n.汽车,机动车
extension n.(电话)分机
engaged a.占线的
completely ad.完全;十分;彻底
quarter n.四分之一;一刻钟
receiver v.(电话的)听筒,收话器
distance n.距离,路程
ring v.敲钟,打铃,响,鸣
awful a.糟糕的;极坏的;威严的;可怕的
steal vt.偷;窃取
handbag n.(女用)手提包
pound n.英镑;磅
passport n.护照
embassy n.大使馆
issue n.配给,发给
ought v.应当,应该
check v.核对
upset v.使不安;扰乱


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