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时间:2009-02-19  来源:http://17he.com  

IVY: I want to buy some running shoes. Maybe New Balance.
DAVID: Why do you need running shoes? You aren't a runner.
IVY: But I exercise at the club. And I use the stepping machine.
So I need good running shoes.
DAVID: That's not the same.
Maybe you want to buy running-shoe-style shoes, but not real running shoes.
IVY: What's the difference?
DAVID: There isn't much difference. But there is some difference.
For one thing, real running shoes are much more expensive.
They have very lightweight materials.
They're designed for serious runners, people who run ten kilometers a day.
IVY: And what are running-shoe-style shoes?
DAVID: They look like running shoes.
They have the same shape. And you can use them for running too.
But they're not so serious. They aren't designed for serious runners.
You can use them for exercising.
IVY: But they aren't as light, right?
DAVID: That's right.
If you want a really lightweight shoe, you should buy a high-quality running shoe.

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IVY: That's what I want.
For exercising at the club. I can even spend 100 dollars on them. I don't care.
DAVID: But it's a waste of money. You won't really run in them!
You don't need such a shoe to use exercise machines. It's just a waste of money.
IVY: My sister has New Balance running shoes. I want shoes just like hers.
I don't care if they're expensive. And they look cool too.
DAVID: Well, do what you like.
There are different kinds of New Balance shoes though.
You don't have to buy the most expensive.
IVY: I want the best.
My sister said good shoes are very important. For support. They support your feet.
DAVID: Your sister is a fitness expert, huh?
IVY: No, but she exercises more than me.
DAVID: I really think you are stubborn about some things.
But here. Let's look at the New Balance shoes.
IVY: Here it is. This is what my sister has.
DAVID: Yes, that's it. That's their top model.


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